Successful middle schools provide students with opportunities to learn outside the school day that connect and align with students’ existing academic programs.
Overview of Principles and Practices
Principle 1: Align the Extended Learning Time (ELT) program academically with the school day.
- Practice 1: Use ELT program coordinators to develop relationships and maintain ongoing communication between schools and the ELT program about student academic performance and personal and social issues.
- Practice 2: Designate a school staff person to coordinate communication with ELT programs.
- Practice 3: Connect ELT instruction to school instruction by identifying school goals and learning objectives.
- Practice 4: Coordinate with the school to identify staff for ELT programs.
Principle 2: Maximize student participation and attendance.
- Practice 1: Design program features to meet the needs and preferences of students and parents.
- Practice 2: Promote awareness of the ELT program within schools and to parents.
- Practice 3: Use attendance data to identify students facing difficulties in attending the program.
Principle 3: Adapt instruction to individual and small group needs.
- Practice 1: Use formal and informal assessment to inform academic instruction.
- Practice 2: Break students into small groups and use one-on-one tutoring if possible.
- Practice 3: Provide professional development and ongoing instructional support to ELT instructors.
Principle 4: Provide engaging learning experiences.
- Practice 1: Make learning relevant by incorporating practical examples and connecting instruction to student interests and experiences.
- Practice 2: Make learning active through collaborative learning and hands-on academic activities.
- Practice 3: Build adult-student relationships among ELT program participants.
Principle 5: Assess program performance and use the results for program improvement.
- Practice 1: Develop an evaluation plan for ELT programs.
- Practice 2: Collect program and student performance data.
- Practice 3: Analyze the data and use findings for program improvement.